simple + slowly

Mar 07, 2024

         I don’t know about you, but the older (and hopefully wiser) I get, the more I realize that simple works. For me personally and for so many patients that I encounter, it is easy to get lost when it comes to self-help, self-improvement, eating healthier, moving more, discovering yourself, learning to love yourself, organizing, prioritizing… you name it. Truly though, time after time, I have found that I have the most success when I keep it simple. Simple and slow. While it may help you to start your day with ‘5 easy steps to guarantee a successful morning’ or the ‘7 pillars of self-care’ or the ‘12 ways to take better care of yourself’ … I find it most helpful to give myself grace, and just start with step one. You don’t have to begin meditating, and start running 3 miles daily, and give up caffeine, and focus on prioritizing 7 hours of sleep, and learn a new language, and cut out carbs, and pledge to call and connect with an old friend every day, and add stretching + strength training all in one day. In fact, if you do, you will only guarantee failure, frustration and feeling overwhelmed.

            One thing I ask myself and my patients routinely, is what is the goal? What is the goal with self-care and prioritizing health? The goal hopefully, is to step into living your best life. To promote your health: mind, body and soul, and if we want to do that authentically + meaningfully, we need to also give ourselves time to define what living our best life looks + feels like, personally. The beauty of this, is that it is not a one-size-fits all answer. What living your best life looks like for you, will be different for me, and that is great. This means then that someone else’s 7 steps to success, or keto diet, or walk-your-way-to-happiness might not work for you… and that is okay. But the beauty is, when you start simply + slowly with step one, you begin to find + define what does work for you. When we give ourselves grace to simply + slowly try new things, one step at a time, we learn to become attuned to what works, and what doesn’t work for our bodies. And in doing so, over time, we start to define what living our best life looks like. When we start simply + slowly we learn to listen to our bodies, we grow holistically, and we set ourselves up to have long-term success. (ps… if you don’t believe me or you don’t know where to start, check out our ebook “Transform your Life with only 15 minutes a day”)